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Poo Poo Pee Do

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Poo Poo Pee Do is a design catbox imagined by David Frering and Olivier Hornecker, created by SinDesign. Both native from Strasbourg – France, they combined their passion for design, innovation… and cats, to imagine and realize this product as esthetique as functional.
SinDesign, a brand for inspiration and innovation. Lounched by David, the creative caracter, and Olivier, the expert in tendance and interior design, SinDesign’s purpose is clear : create high quality and affordable products with innovative design, while guarantee « Made in France ».

Poo Poo Pee Do, what about ?
Esthetique, innovative, functional, available on at 69 euros, Poo Poo Pee Do is a cat litter box or cat resting box that we are proud to show in our interior. Enough of being ashamed by hidding any ugly and sad plastic box in a small part of our home. Declined in 7 trendy colors, Poo PooPee Do adapts itself to any interior.
Considered that they are 600 millions cats worlwide, and thousands of catboxes without style, spirit and soul… Poo Poo Pee Do will for sure delight numerous cats, and their owners.
Poo Poo Pee Do, first of its class. Endowed with unique advantages, it marks its difference. Its ovoid shape allows to transfer easily its content in a plastic bag. A anti smell pastille is hidding in its upper inner box  and a shovel is cunningly joined inside.
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